Discover the Love Bouquet with 10 Pink Premium Roses , a product that represents the essence of love in the most unique and romantic way !
The Bouquet of Love includes 20 pink roses of exceptional quality, which exude passion and high aesthetics, as well as 6 heart sticks that make the product even more impressive and are sure to attract the attention of all who see it!
In addition , it is accompanied by a luxurious carrier bag , a trademark of our store , from our "Red Collection".
The red bag with matching red wrapper reflects the meaning of love and love , adding a touch of luxury to your mission.
The impressive packaging is the ideal way to express your feelings and promises to steal the impressions!
The Love Bouquet with 10 Pink Premium Roses is ideal for gift giving on many occasions. Valentine's Day , as it expresses a most spectacular and romantic side of love.
It is also a great choice for birthday , anniversaries or just to show loved ones how important they are to you !
Finally the product Flower Bouquet of Love with 10 pink Premium Roses can be combined wonderfully with a Vase from our collection as well as with but Decorative gifts of our store.
Here are three tips to take care of them roses and maximize their lifespan:
- Trim the ends of the Roses : Before placing them in a vase of water, trim a little of the lower ends of the Roses to allow the water to be absorbed more easily and thus maintain their freshness.
- Change the water daily: To keep your Roses fresh, it is advised that you daily change the water in the jar. This will ensure that they receive proper hydration and remain vivid.
- Place them in a cool environment : Roses love a cool environment, so prefer to place them in a cool room away from direct sunlight or any heat sources.
Express your feelings in the most unique and impressive way by sending the Love Bouquet with 10 Pink Premium Roses from LouloudiaOnline !
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