Delivery only in Thessaloniki29,90 € Original price was: 29,90 €.27,90 €Η τρέχουσα τιμή είναι: 27,90 €.
www.louloudia-online.gr is our online florist retail store owned by the company with the name "LouloudiaOnline" providing Flowers, Plants and Gifts. Is based in Thessaloniki at 49 Klafthmonos Street, 54634, with relative Tax-Office Numbers GEMH 143735706000 and VAT number 144489729 / E' Thessaloniki Tax-Office.
Telephone Service Line : +30 2310 200455
By visiting and scrolling through our online-store or using material from it, you declare that you agree and accept the following terms.
Our company has the right to modify the trading conditions without prior notice. Our company has the responsibility to immediately update the text that refers to the transaction terms when any change is decided regarding these terms. Our company's online store fully complies with International and European Law on e-commerce transactions, as well as the Consumer Protection Law, which regulates distance sales issues.
This website depicts the company's products as accurately as possible. However, it may contain errors (typographic, numerical and illustration).
Our company reserves the right to deviate in the selection of flowers or plants that make up a composition in both color and type, when these are not available in the market, as the availability of plants is affected by many factors such as bad weather or plant diseases or when out of stock in the store or market. In any case, the item delivered will be aesthetically and economically equivalent to any listed sample.
1. Flowers and/or pots colours are provided as close as possible to the pictured products. Any differences are due to the specificity and uniqueness of each plant.
2. Delivered plants or flowers remain as close to the pictured products as possible. Any discrepancies are due to the fact that each plant or flower is not exactly the same as the others, even of the same variety and coloration. Differentiation can also arise due to the different stage of maturity of the plant.
We are not responsible if the customer's information entered in the order form is incorrect (telephone number, address etc.). The note on our proposed gift card will be a copy of any note indicated by the customer on the order form, therefore louloudia-online.gr bears no responsibility for wrong names, details and/or spelling errors.
Σας κάνουμε γνωστή την διαδικασία αποστολης που ακολουθείται από το κατάστημα μας για κάθε παραγγελία , αποδεχόμενοι τους όρους χρήσης γίνεται άμεσα και αποδοχή της παρακάτω διαδικασίας . Η διαδικασία αποστολης κάθε προϊόντος προβλέπει τηλεφωνική επικοινωνία με τον παραλήπτη στο τηλέφωνο που ο ίδιος ο αποστολέας έχει συμπληρώσει κατα την διαδικασία δημιουργίας της παραγγελίας . Αυτό γίνεται καθώς το κατάστημα χρειάζεται να ενημερωθεί για την ώρα που ο ίδιος ο παραλήπτης δύναται να παραλάβει το εκάστοτε προϊόν καθώς και να υπάρξει η επιβεβαίωση της διευθύνσεως η οποία πάλι έχει δοθεί από τον αποστολέα . Σε περίπτωση που ο αποστολέας ζητήσει παράκαμψη της διαδικασίας και δεν θελήσει να υπάρξει τηλεφωνική επικοινωνία με τον παραλήπτη θα πρέπει να το αναφέρει στο κατάστημα είτε τηλεφωνικός είτε στο πεδίο κατα την συμπλήρωση της φόρμας επικοινωνίας με όνομα σχόλια παραγγελίας . Έπειτα από την ενημέρωση ο αποστολέας πρέπει να αναφέρει ο ίδιος ένα εύλογο χρονικό περιθώριο δημιουργίας και αποστολης του προϊόντος και να δώσει ο ίδιος πληροφορίες σημαντικές για την παράδοση όπως το όνομα του θυροτηλέφωνου και ο όροφος της οικείας . Το κατάστημα μας είναι υπόχρεο αφού συμφωνήσει με την ώρα παράδοσης να ολοκληρώσει την αποστολή . Αν υπάρξει οποιοδήποτε πρόβλημα κατα την διαδικασία , τότε το προϊόν επιστρέφει στο κατάστημα και για να γίνει εκ νέου η αποστολή θα πρέπει να γίνει χρέωση δεύτερου κόστους μεταφορικών καθώς και ορισμός νέας ώρας που θα εξυπηρετεί το κατάστημα . Το κατάστημα δεν φέρει καμία ευθύνη αν τα στοιχεία όπως η διεύθυνση η το τηλέφωνο του παραλήπτη αναφερθούν λανθασμένα από τον αποστολέα .
Force majeure: In case of reasons of force majeure (e.g. bad weather conditions, strikes, etc.) so that might not be possible to deliver the products within the predetermined time, LouloudiaOnline will inform you by phone or e-mail provided, so that you can direct us a different way of implementing your order at a different time and day. Though our company is not responsible for any situation beyond our fault yet, everything humanly possible will be done for you to be satisfied.
Next day delivery of our products, to certain remote areas of Greece, could not be possibly guaranteed. Such remote areas are indicated by the courier-distributor and in that case you will be informed accordingly.
Με την παράδοση του προϊόντος, υπογράφεται από τον παραλήπτη η φόρμα παραγγελίας. Σε περίπτωση που ο παραλήπτης δεν δύναται να υπογράψει ο ίδιος, η φόρμα παραγγελίας υπογράφεται από τρίτο πρόσωπο. (Ονοματεπώνυμο και υπογραφή) Αυτό αποτελεί την εγγύηση της παράδοσης της παραγγελίας. Σε περίπτωση που ο παραλήπτης αρνείται για τον οποιονδήποτε λόγο να υπογράψει στην φόρμα παραγγελίας, ο αποστολέας δεν έχει δικαίωμα να αμφισβητήσει την παράδοση της παραγγελίας του.
Ακύρωση παραγγελίας γίνεται δεκτή από το κατάστημα μέχρι και μία ημέρα πριν την παράδοση της παραγγελίας και υπάρχει δυνατότητα επιστροφής χρημάτων. Εάν υπάρξει ακύρωση της παραγγελίας την ίδια ημέρα με την αποστολή, τότε το ποσό της παραγγελίας δεν επιστρέφεται και ο αποστολέας έχει την δυνατότητα επιλογής είτε να αποσταλλεί η παραγγελία σε διαφορετική διεύθυνση είτε να μην αποσταλλεί καθόλου. Αυτό συμβαίνει διότι η προετοιμασία της παραγγελίας έχει ήδη γίνει και η τροποποίηση των προϊόντων είναι μη αναστρέψιμη.
Σε περίπτωση που υπάρχουν παράπονα σχετικά με την ποιότητα των λουλουδιών, από τον αποστολέα και μόνο, είναι απαραίτητο να ενημερώσει το κατάστημα αυθημερόν. Σε αυτή την περίπτωση πρέπει να μας σταλούν φωτογραφίες υψηλής ευκρίνειας όπου να είναι ευδιάκριτο το πρόβλημα στο ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο της επιχείρησης (info@louloudia-online.gr). Κατόπιν τούτου θα ελεγχθεί από την ομάδα μας και εφόσον επιβεβαιωθεί ότι υπάρχει πρόβλημα, τότε γίνεται αντικατάσταση του προϊόντος με επιβάρυνση του καταστήματος.
In the case of recipient's absence from the agreed place of delivery so that the product could not be promptly delivered, the recipient will be informed by our courier's note/message. The following day there will be a phonecal contact so as to reset a new appointment and complete the delivery.
Η παράδοση για την επόμενη ημέρα ισχύει μόνο αν η παραγγελία διεξαχθεί μέχρι τις 18:00. Όπως προαναφέρθηκε εξαιρείται η νησιωτική Ελλάδα καθώς και οι απομακρυσμένες περιοχές.
We are not responsible if the recipient refuses to receive the product. In that case there is no option to resend the order. No refunds are possible in relative cases.
In case of delay in receiving the product, louloudia-online.gr is obliged to inform the customer as soon as possible that his order will be delayed.
On major holidays (Mother's Day - St.Valentine's Day - Konstantinou kai Elenis - St. Nicholas - Christmas Day - New Year's Day) it is advisable to place orders at least 1-2 days in advance. During those Special-Festive Days-Holidays, due to the excessive number of orders, our company reserves the right to deliver and contact the recipient the day before or the day after the desired delivery date.
Dimensions as well as Weight of each of our products are mentioned relatively.
Please note that indicated dimensions and/or weight of each of our products may be slightly varied bearing in mind that each product is uniquely created.
Please have also in mind that each flower and/or plant are similar but never the same as a clone copy. Slight variations in size and/or weight is relatively possible.
This can only occur to products that are fully hand created and crafted yet not to ready made provided products.
In case of any order cancellation (full or partial) the customer should either send an e-mail to info@louloudia-online.gr or call our customer service line calling +30 2310 200455 (servive hours Mon-Sun 09 :00-18:00)
The customer's order may be canceled from our side for any of the following reasons:
1. Failure of payment within a reasonable time when the chosen payment method is via Bank Deposit.
2. When listed price or description of the product is incorrect due to a technical error.
3. When ordered product is unavailable yet system would not be updated for any reason and cause.
4. In the case that customer does not use correctly, for any reason, the order form-system of www.louloudia-online.gr
5. In case the execution of the order contravenes laws, rules and regulations.
6. In cases of force majeure.
The www.louloudia-online.gr provides a guarantee of freshness of flowers and plants 2 days after a prompt delivery. In case of any product's problem within 2 days after that day of delivery, it will be replaced with the same product. In that case photos of the problematic product should be sent tο www.louloudia-online.gr to our contact e-mail address. The 2-day warranty starts from the day the product is supposed to be received by the recipient.www.ouloudia-online.gr bears no responsibility if the recipient is late in receiving the product either in case of being absent during the delivery date or neglects to contact the sender-courier following either the relative notice phone call.
Any product can be returned within 2 working days, in the case that the product return is due to poor or wrong order implementation from our online store and be accordingly refunded (refund can be made through the way of primary payment).
Refund in the case of an order with Pay on Delivery or Bank Transfer Deposit, is made by depositing the amount from the online store to the bank account of the Bank indicated by the customer.
The refund in case of an order with a CREDIT / DEBIT CARD or PAYPAL payment method is made electronically.
The customer may withdraw from the sale within a period of 14 days with the prescribed charges. The prescribed withdrawal period expires in 14 days from:
-the day on which the customer or a third part indicated by customer, other than the carrier, acquires physical possession of the goods or otherwise-
- 1. from the day on which the customer or a third part indicated by the customer, other than the carrier, obtains physical possession of the last good, in the case of several goods ordered by the customer in one order and delivered separately, or
- 2. from the day on which the customer or a third part indicated by him, other than the carrier, acquires physical possession of the last lot or the last piece, in case of delivery of goods consisting of several lots or several pieces
Withdrawal right is NOT granted:
- 1. in the supply of perishable or soon-to-expire goods (flowers-plants-food) and
- 2. In the supply of alcoholic beverages the price of which has been agreed at the time of the conclusion of the sales contract but the delivery of which can only take place after thirty (30) days and the actual price of which depends on fluctuations in the market, which cannot be controlled by the merchant.
The online store is entitled to accept the return of the product ONLY if the packaging has not been altered with and is accompanied by the proof of payment. Refunds are sent within 10 business days of receiving the product. The refund for payment by cash on delivery or bank deposit is made by bank transfer from the COMPANY's account to the customer's account, who should send the COMPANY the following information:
- Account beneficiary.
- Bank where the account is held.
Refunds for payment by credit / debit card or payment via PAYPAL are made through an electronic system.
On line Alternative Dispute Resolution for B2C transactions
Directive 2013/11/EC provides the possibility of electronic resolution of consumer disputes with the Alternative Dispute Resolution process throughout EU to which Greek Legislation (KYA 70330/2015) has been recently harmonized to.
It is an alternative resolution mechanism of different means of certificates of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) bodies that undertake to settle consumer and supplier disputes online, quickly and at low (compared to courts) costs.
In this context, on 14/2/2016 the European Body for Alternative Dispute Resolution (https://ec.europa.eu/info/policies/consumers_el) was put into operation, which is the hub for managing consumer requests to be sent to suppliers. The AED body must decide within 90 days time.
The prices of the products listed in our online store are final prices (VAT included), determined by our company and are competitive according to the market prices. Our online store reserves the right to change prices without notice. In the event of a price change until the delivery date, the customer pays the amount indicated on his order.
You can choose one of the following ways:
1. Payment via credit or debit card.
You can easily and quickly pay for your purchase by filling in your card details directly at checkout. Through the electronic transaction system of the collaborating Bank, we ensure the security of your transaction and your personal data. As soon as we receive the relevant information from the bank that the transaction is successful, we proceed to implement your order. In case thatverification of the payment is not possible through the bank (eg insufficient balance in your account, wrong information, bank error, etc.) the order is automatically declined by the system.
2. By depositing into our bank account at PIRAEUS BANK or EUROBANK.
If you choose this payment method, you should know that the deposit account of the online store belongs to PIRAEUS bank or EUROBANK. Our required bank details (account number, company details, etc.) will appear during the completion of your order. For accounting reasons it is important to transfer the exact amount of the order.
For remittance deposits from accounts of other banks, the bank transfer fees are always borne by the originator of the remittance. In a different case of choosing the principal to charge the online store, the online store is obliged to cancel the transaction and return the consideration to the principal as soon as possible.
When depositing you must ALWAYS state your full name so we can cross reference your transaction. We would ask you for your fastest service, please send us the proof of deposit to our e-mail address info@louloudia-online.gr.
3. Cash on delivery.
In this case, payment is made at the time of receipt of your order.
4. Paypal.
If you choose to pay via PayPal, clicking on the PayPal option will automatically take you to the corresponding page. You will be notified of the acceptance of the payment relatively by our company.
www.louloudia-online.gr is obliged to send the original receipt on the same day of the customer's order or the next day nationwide via e-mail designated by the customer.
Delivery costs are being charged to the customer. Delivery charges depend on the volume and weight of any order as well as the delivery zone.
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