Dry Flowers

How to dry flowers

How to dry flowers

Easy and quick ways to dry flowers:

Air drying of flowers (reverse hanging)

This traditional method is one of the simplest and most natural ways to dry your flowers. The flowers largely retain their natural colour and appearance, while the petals and leaves remain relatively intact.


  1. Choice of flowers: Choose flowers that are in good condition, with no marks or blemishes.
  2. Preparation: Remove the outer leaves and any other items you don't want to keep.
  3. Bondage: Tie the flowers by the stem with a thin rope or ribbon, making sure they are not too tight together.
  4. Hanging: Hang the flowers upside down in a dark, dry and well-ventilated place. An attic, a storage room or a dark corner are ideal places.
  5. Wait: Allow the flowers to dry for 2-4 weeks. Check regularly to see if they are fully dried.
  6. Storage: When the flowers are completely dried, remove them from the rope and store them in a dark place until you need to use them.


  • To preserve the natural colour of the flowers, avoid hanging them in places with direct light.
  • Certain flowers, such as roses and carnations, are ideal for this method.
  • If there is a lot of humidity in your room, use a dehumidifier to prevent mould growth.

Air-drying flowers is a practical and economical technique that allows flowers to retain their natural beauty and feel for a long time. It is also a wonderful way to create home decorations or make unique gifts.

Advantages of the method:

  • Physicality: The natural beauty of the flowers is preserved, with most of their colour and form.
  • No chemicals: No need to use chemicals or special equipment.
  • Flexibility: You can dry many types of flowers, from small to large.

Flower drying with silicone gel

Silicone gel is an effective absorbent material that can be used for drying flowers.


  1. Place a layer of silicone gel (you can find it in nursery shops) in the bottom of a container.
  2. Place the flowers carefully on the gel, making sure they don't touch each other.
  3. Add more gel on top of the flowers, covering them completely.
  4. Close the container and leave the flowers to dry for 1-2 weeks.


  • Flowers dried by this method retain their natural colour and shape much better.
  • After drying, carefully remove the gel from the flowers with a brush.

Flower drying with the microwave method

With this method, you can dry flowers in a few minutes.

  1. Place the flowers between two sheets of kitchen paper towel.
  2. Place them on a flat microwave-safe platter.
  3. Turn on the microwave on low power for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Check the flowers and, if necessary, repeat.


  • Beware! Keep control of possible high temperature, for not getting the flowers burned.
  • After having your flowers dried, wait for 20-30 minutes before touching them so as their temperature be back to normal.

Flower drying with perlite or sand

- Perlite or Sand are natural materials that can help flowers get dry whereas they maintain their shape and colour.

  1. Fill a container with a layer of perlite or sand.
  2. Place the flowers upside down and add more perlite or sand around and on top of them, covering them completely.
  3. Close the container and leave the flowers to dry for 2-3 weeks.


  • After drying, carefully remove the perlite or sand from the flowers with a brush.
  • It is advisable to use Perlite for flowers with relatively fragile petals, whereas sand should be more appropriate for more solid and rigid flowers.

Flower drying with book

The traditional book method is one of the oldest ways of drying flowers.

  1. Place the flowers between two sheets of paper parchment or kitchen paper towel.
  2. Place the plants-flowers separately between the pages of a heavy book, so as to keep the flowers under slight pressure.
  3. Place more books or heavy objects over the top, if extra pressure is required.
  4. Allow the flowers to dry for 2-3 weeks depending on their condition.


  • This method is ideal for flowers with thin petals, such as pansies or violets.
  • Check the flowers every 3-4 days to make sure that there is no moisture or mould.

Drying with vinegar and glycerine

This method allows you to retain a certain amount of elasticity in the flowers, giving them a relatively fresh appearance.

  1. In a container, mix one part glycerin with two parts boiling water. Add a few drops of vinegar.
  2. Cut off the flower stems and dip the flowers into the mixture.
  3. Leave the flowers in the mixture for 2-3 weeks.
  4. Remove and leave to dry in a dark place.


  • The glycerin helps the flowers to retain their elasticity, while the vinegar helps to preserve the colour.
  • This method is particularly good for leafy plants and flowers with thick petals.

I hope this article has helped you to get to know the different methods of flower drying and choose the one that best suits your needs. Each method has its own advantages and can offer different results, depending on the type of flower and the use you intend to give it.

Tips for conservation:

Once the flowers are fully dried, you can place them in frames or use them to make a lovely wreath. For extra protection, spray the flowers with waterless hairspray.

In general, air drying flowers is an easy and effective technique that offers beautiful results. Whether you want to preserve a memory of a special family wedding or create decorative items for your home, this technique is perfect for you.


Flower drying is an art that allows flowers to be preserved for a long time, retaining the beauty and joy they offer. Regardless of the method you choose, the most important thing is to do it with care and love. Good luck!

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