Κερί TheCandleProject Cupcake Candle 250gr 11x9cm

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Only for Thessalonki


A wonderful candle with an intoxicating aroma in the form of a sweet.

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Product code no. 208252 Categories: ,

Υποδεχθείτε τη νέα συλλογή Αρωματικά Κεριών με το Κερί TheCandleProject Cupcake Candle 250gr !

Αυτό το μοναδικό κερί συνδυάζει το γλυκό Patisserie και Strawberries & Cream άρωμα καθώς η εξωτερική του εμφάνιση παραπέμπει σε ένα αυθεντικό Cupcake .

Με πολλές ώρες καύσης , το Κερί TheCandleProject Cupcake Candle 250gr προσφέρει μια μακράς διάρκειας αρωματική εμπειρία για κάθε χώρο του σπιτιού σας.

It is sent carefully packed in a special box to ensure its integrity during transport.

At LouloudiaOnline , we pay special attention to the quality of the products we offer you and our partners.

All the candles in this collection are made from organic materials and the aromatic substances used are carefully selected to offer a refreshing and relaxing experience.

You can use them as accompanying gifts along with Flowers or individually for interior decoration.

Enjoy our scented candles in a variety of occasions, such as birthday, celebrations , relaxing moments or just to create a pleasant atmosphere in your home.

Our suggestion as well as the candle manufacturer's is to store at room temperature, and if you have a lot of candles  TheCandleProject make sure they have a distance of more than 15cm between them !

The wax content is 210gr with over 60 hours of burning.

Ανακαλύψτε την μαγεία του Κερί TheCandleProject Cupcake Candle 250gr και δημιουργήστε έναν χώρο γεμάτο γλυκές , χαλαρωτικές και μυρωδάτες στιγμές !

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