
How to order your bouquet


How to order your bouquet

Welcome to ! Here you can find wonderful bouquets, plants and gifts to give to your loved ones or to yourself! The choices you have in our online store are many and the way of ordering is easy and simple.

Select from the menu of our website the category you are interested in, e.g. "Flower Bouquets" and choose the design you like best.


You can then choose between three sizes of bouquet: Small, Medium or Large.


On the right of the screen, you will find a calendar, through which you can tell us when you want us to deliver your bouquet. Select a day and time and click "add to cart". Continue shopping in the same way.


After you have finished shopping, go to "Cart" (top right) and click on the "Complete Order" button to proceed.

Fill in your details and continue to the next step.


Choose your payment method: Cash on delivery, Credit/Debit Card or PayPal

There is also the option of picking up your order from our store, 49 Klathmonos Street, 54634, in Thessaloniki.



For any other clarification you can contact us in the following ways:

via the chat that appears on every page of our site, on the bottom right side


through our contact form


by mail to or

by phone at 2310.200.455


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